Upgrading from a previous phpMyRecipes is a fairly simple procedure. A script is provided in the install directory to perform the neccessary tasks automatically for you. Or you can do the steps manually if you can't set the file permissions correctly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUICK UPGRADE 1. Download the phpMyRecipes-1.2.0.tar.gz package to a temp directory (like /tmp) on your server. You can get the distribution from: http://php-myrecipes.sourceforge.net/ 2. Unpack the distribution over your existing phpMyRecipes installation. For example, if your installation is in /var/www/html/phpMyRecipes, execute the following: cd /var/www/html gzip -dc /tmp/phpMyRecipes-1.2.0.tar.gz | tar -xvf - Please note that if you renamed the phpMyRecipes directory to something else, you will have to unpack the files and then move them to the new directory. If you renamed the directory to "recipes", use the following after the above commands: cp -a phpMyRecipes/* recipes/ rm -rf phpMyRecipes 3. Change the ownership of the phpMyRecipes directory to the user that the webserver runs as. For example, if your webserver runs as the user "apache", execute the following command: chown -R apache /var/www/html/phpMyRecipes If you're not sure what user this is, don't worry. The upgrade script will tell you in step 5. 4. Make sure the install scripts are enabled: chmod -R 0755 /var/www/html/phpMyRecipes/install 5. Open the upgrade script in your web browser by going to the URL (if you didn't change the directory name and your webserver is named example.com): http://example.com/phpMyRecipes/install/upgrade.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANUAL UPGRADE If you can't use the upgrade script for some reason (for example, you can't change the ownership of the files because you don't have root access), manual installation is not much harder. 1. Edit the common.php file. A. Add the following lines to the bottom of the "CONFIGURATION" section at the top: # The maximum size, in bytes, of uploaded image files define("MAX_IMAGE_SIZE", 100000); B. Next, remove everything below the line that says "MAKING CHANGES BELOW THIS LINE IS NOT RECOMMENDED". Don't worry. All of that stuff has been moved to the functions.php file. 2. Using your preferred method, login to your database server as an user that has full privileges to your recipes database. Specifically, you will need to be able to alter tables. 3. Select the "recipes" database: USE recipes; 4. Execute the following SQL command ALTER TABLE `recipes` ADD `description` TEXT NOT NULL, ADD `creator` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ADD `editor` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ADD `imagefile` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL, DROP INDEX `name_2`, ADD FULLTEXT `name_2` (`name`,`instructions`,`description`); 5. Make sure the install scripts are inaccessible: chmod -R 0000 /var/www/html/phpMyRecipes/install Once these changes are complete, you're ready to use the new version of phpMyRecipes.